Welcome to Rhuah Psychotherapy!

Psychotherapy is down to earth, flexible, eclectic and creative which goes beyond the limits of language.

My intention in therapy is that we work collaboratively to help you illuminate your own innate wisdom, promote growth, increase your well-being and obtain life balance.

You can’t go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending.   

C.S Lewis


Virtual Online Psychotherapy

I hope you are well and healthy! In light of the recent developments with COVID-19 and the directions from Ottawa Public Health, I am now offering Virtual Psychotherapy. Sessions will take place over a user-friendly software platform.  This software meets the Canadian privacy and security standards which ensures safe and secure online therapy instead of email or other internet messaging platforms.

I invite you to experience Rhuah Psychotherapy Services.

Contact me for a free phone consultation